With March under way, Relay For Life has arrived at UBCCA and we want to make sure you’re clued in on the event, its history, and how you can get involved regardless of Covid-19.

In 1985, Dr. Gordy Klatt, a practicing surgeon, wanted to find a way to raise cancer awareness and increase funds going to his local charity. With this goal in mind, he spent a whole 24 hours running a track in Tacoma, Washington. Throughout that night, others joined in by running or walking whilst chipped into this fund. Together they raised over $27,000 USD with Klatt having ran 83 miles total! 

Because of the effort he saw in his family, friends and patients that night, he saw the potential of creating an event in his community and recruiting people to join his team in order to host a 24-Hour Run Against Cancer.

Since then, Relay For Life has become the largest fundraising event for cancer worldwide, with over 20 countries officially participating. It has brought together communities to fight against the same cause while empowering those affected by cancer, celebrating survivors, and remembering those who we have lost.

Relay for Life events globally has been estimated to raise a total of $5 billion USD since its start date. Before the era of COVID-19, the fundraising event would include activities such as the Survivor and Opening lap, the Luminary Ceremony, the Closing Ceremony and of course the Fight Back Ceremony.

UBC Cancer Association’s Relay for Life: Reimagined includes all of the hallmark components of the in-person Relay for Life event. UBCCA has taken extra measures to make this year’s Relay for Life as enjoyable as it can be. Check out UBC’s Relay for Life page, join a team, and be a part of the cause. Together we are bigger than cancer.

To make this information accessible to you, we have created the infographic below for an easy and clean visual to get you ready for this year’s upcoming Relay For Life!




1. Relay For Life Canada (1)

2. Relay For Life Wikipedia page  (1)

3. Relay For Life Cancer Council (1) 

4. Danos (1)