New year, new changes.
Welcome back to the start of the new semester!
Over the past few months UBC Cancer Association has gone through some pretty big changes, so we’re detailing them in this blog post.
(New) Volunteers
If you’re one of the many students looking to volunteer, and you didn’t get to meet with us on Clubs Days, make sure you message us on Facebook or get in touch with us by email. We’re currently planning out a new system to accommodate non-executive volunteers, so please bear with us in the meantime! (By executive, we mean anyone who listed on the about page)
Individually reaching out to one of our current executives is a good start, but makes it very easy for your request to be lost in the pile of work that we have!
New Logo
Our previous logo did a fantastic job for the past two and a half years, but we felt it was time for a change. The new logo was wholly designed by Tracy, our new Co-President. We wanted our new logo to be instantly recognizable but distinct, and to work well on all forms of media, unlike the old one which got less distinct the smaller in size it got.
Term 2: Co-Presidents
In light of a semester that promises to be even busier for Adam, our President for semester 1, he has decided to share the presidency role with Tracy for this upcoming semester. Tracy has shown a ton of initiative, commitment, and vision past few months, and we look forward to seeing how the UBC Cancer Association will grow with her leadership.
New Initiatives
Some of our enterprising members are starting new initiatives and growing old ones! Keep an eye out for the heartfelt stories of UBC students and some easy-to-pick-up Cancer Decoded videos! (Each of these initiatives will get its own blog post, so we won’t give away too much here)