Elections 2019
Vote at the Annual General Meeting
Voting will happen at our annual general meeting which is happening in LIFE 1505 on March 20th from 5:30 – 6:30 pm.
Notice: Keith Wu has withdrawn from the election race for VP Finance and VP Events.
About The Candidates
Candidate-submitted Biographies
Handles club organization, meetings, and direction.
Cassandra Federico
I have been a part of the UBC Cancer Association since the beginning of my second year. I started off as an assistant VP External before taking on the full VP position during this past year. I am hoping to stay involved with the external affairs committee as I move into my fourth, and final, year at UBC this fall. Additionally, I have some visions for the club which I hope to implement moving forward. For example, I am hoping to see our club attract members from across faculties, as we have tended to attract a predominately science membership base
Hana Zhang
I have had the pleasure of being a part of the UBC Cancer Association for two years now, and I have thoroughly enjoyed seeing the club grow and develop into what it is today. This club has introduced me to many inspiring and passionate people, as well as provided me with opportunities to expand and strengthen my leadership abilities. I want to continue my work with the Cancer Association into next year, and as a co-president, I hope to use my skills and experiences to help guide the club and its members as they continue to fight for the cause
Tiger Zhao
I have spent two years with the UBCCA, first as a general member, then as the VP Events. Although he club has grown and developed a significant amount since I first joined, there are still many changes I would like to implement to its infrastructure. My main goals are to make the committees feel more unified and less divisive, to increase general member benefits, and to place a larger emphasis on promoting discussion and awareness about cancer. I also hope to work closely with the VP internal to create lasting connections for everyone within the club.
Tracy Wong
With the leadership skills I have gained this year in managing a team of 20 talented people, I am excited to take the team one step further next year. Having the ability to invest in people and motivate the team, UBCCA will become a team where each person is contributing their talent to the club. The direction of the club will be driven by the people elected or hired next year but revolving the core values of UBCCA. I believe that by discovering and recognizing the strengths of each person, the UBCCA community will grow and become more unified.
VP Finance
Sole signing officer for the club, in charge of the fundraising committee.
Simran Manhas
In the past year, I became a Treasurer for the club for the first time. My experience as a treasurer has contributed greatly to my ability to manage and allocate the club’s money with transparency. As more students are joining this club, we require changes in our budget to support our teams in organizing events and increase involvement in the community. As a VP Finance, I am confident in my ability to carry out all the duties independently and help the club accomplish new goals. I believe that I have gained some valuable skills through my previous position in this
Tracy Wong
I am confident that my financial knowledge will accelerate UBCCA’s operation with a more generous budget in the future. I have taken relevant business courses that sharpened my accounting, budgeting and MS Excel knowledge. Being able to identify opportunities to broaden our revenue streams and minimize our expense to critical costs, UBCCA can maximize donations to CCS and scale our events. With a creative mind, experience in running fundraisers, and connections with sponsors, I anticipate to secure funds, long-term partnerships and manage fundraisers to ensure UBCCA’s account is at a surplus and each committee receives a fair and accurate budget.
VP Marketing
Oversees all marketing and maintains the club website. In charge of the marketing committee.
Eric Liu
Having been affected by the horror of cancer and the loss of a loved one, the fight against cancer has since been a cause near and dear to me. I have worked with the UBC Cancer Association team as VP Marketing for the past two years, and I wish to continue my efforts for the upcoming school year as well. I am hoping to boost the club and its events’ exposure in the student community through my experience and expertise. Furthermore, Relay for Life is really important to me so I hope that I would be able to continue to
Co-VP External
Liaison with outside organizations, in charge of acquiring sponsorships.
Simran Manhas
In the past year, I became a Treasurer for the club for the first time. My experience as a treasurer has contributed greatly to my ability to manage and allocate the club’s money with transparency. As more students are joining this club, we require changes in our budget to support our teams in organizing events and increase involvement in the community. As a VP External, I am willing to put in the time required to make better connections across the campus and carry out all the duties.
Cassandra Federico
I believe that I have gained some valuable skills through my previous position in this club that would make me a good candidate for the positions. As an executive, I have handled multiple responsibilities in a timely manner and made great connections throughout the year! I truly think that I can use my previous experience to bring different ideas and help to ensure that the club runs effectively. As a VP External, I have been able to contact relevant parties to organize events and take full responsibility. Moreover, I am willing to put in the time required to make better connections across the campus.
Elaine Hu
Through my role this year as the Assistant VP External, I gained valuable experience that qualifies me for the role of Co-VP External. I worked hard to be an effective liaison between the club and other organizations, following through with any necessary delegated tasks in a timely manner. I’d love to keep working on the external team and if I’m elected, I hope to focus on being more pro-active about contacting businesses in person or over the phone in order to secure more sponsorships for our events and ultimately, support the club in its fundraising efforts.
VP Internal
Organize volunteer shifts for events, engage our members with social events. In charge of internal committee.
Nhi Le
As Vice-President Internal, I will ensure a strong sense of community within the team. I will strive to be an organized and engaging leader who is always open to new ideas and self-improvement. As I have experience as a member of the Internal Affairs committee, I am confident that I am capable of running weekly meetings and facilitating the planning of social events.
Tiger Zhao
I have spent two years with the UBCCA, first as a general member, then as the VP Events. Although he club has grown and developed a significant amount since I first joined, there are still many changes I would like to implement to its infrastructure. My main goals are to make the committees feel more unified and less divisive, to increase general member benefits, and to place a larger emphasis on promoting discussion and awareness about cancer. I also hope to work closely with the VP internal to create lasting connections for everyone within the club.
VP Events
In charge of event planning & coordination. Lead events committee.
Tiger Zhao
I have spent two years with the UBCCA, first as a general member, then as the VP Events. Although he club has grown and developed a significant amount since I first joined, there are still many changes I would like to implement to its infrastructure. My main goals are to make the committees feel more unified and less divisive, to increase general member benefits, and to place a larger emphasis on promoting discussion and awareness about cancer. I also hope to work closely with the VP internal to create lasting connections for everyone within the club.
VP Awareness
Knowledge translation and community engagement. In charge of Cancer Decoded committee.
Diane Kim
As the leader of Cancer Decoded this year, I was privileged to have collaborated with some hard-working, talented, and motivated members to educate our community about cancer. I would like to continue our project next year to further reach out to our campus and the public. Taking this year’s experience as a stepping stone, our team will expand the Cancer Decoded project, develop new ways to introduce cancer knowledge and reduce common misconceptions of the disease that is so close to our society today.
Relay for Life Co-Chairs
In charge of Relay for Life and the Relay Planning Committee
Aaleigha Chin
Justin Sanghe
As a Relay for Life Co-Chair my goals would be to help make the Relay for Life a successful, inspiring and inclusive event for the UBC community and the Greater Vancouver Community. After being the Relay for Life Co-chair last year, I have few things that I would like to improve for the next Relay. Some of those things would be team organization and commitment, UBC club involvement, increasing UBC student participation and focusing on the engagement of the Greater Vancouver community. Overall as the next Relay for Life Co-Chair I would work to make next years event as successful